BiRthDay iN OFfiCE
last friday there is a small and simple birthday party in our facility office.. and i missed it coz i was at the cafe eating maggie mee.. haha..
well when i came back still got some cake and pizza for me.. below are some of the celebration photos.
the cake
the birthday speech
the 2 birthday boys.. err.. not boy anymore.. men.. lol.. (Tsui L & Kang)
cutting cake
the cake and the pizzas..
yummy... !!
distributing the foods..
nice to hav a small party in the office.. can cheer up the environment a bit.. whose birthday party next ?? :)
well when i came back still got some cake and pizza for me.. below are some of the celebration photos.
the cake
the birthday speech
the 2 birthday boys.. err.. not boy anymore.. men.. lol.. (Tsui L & Kang)
cutting cake
the cake and the pizzas..
yummy... !!
distributing the foods..
nice to hav a small party in the office.. can cheer up the environment a bit.. whose birthday party next ?? :)