BuGs At HoMe
last nite there was a little bug that flew into my living room. something like a bee. i took some photos of the bug with my new bought camera.
Taken quite a few photos but most of it quite blur as the bug keep flapping its wings..
Photos attached here is close-up of the bugs.. quite magnificent if zoom in closer..
never thought a bug can be so interesting until i took these photos..
after the photo-shoot, i use a broom to sweep the bug out from my house.. haha.. so cruel of me. well, its the one that invade my house in the first place. so, out it goes.. bye...
Taken quite a few photos but most of it quite blur as the bug keep flapping its wings..
Photos attached here is close-up of the bugs.. quite magnificent if zoom in closer..
never thought a bug can be so interesting until i took these photos..
after the photo-shoot, i use a broom to sweep the bug out from my house.. haha.. so cruel of me. well, its the one that invade my house in the first place. so, out it goes.. bye...